🔴LIVE: ఈ బాబా స్తోత్రం 11నిమిషాలు మీ ఇంట్లో మోగించండి డబ్బే డబ్బు | Lord Sai Baba Devotional Songs
Telugu Bhakthi Patalu Is Producing the best Telugu Devotional Content Of devotional strotrams, telugu devotional songs , chantings and mantras on daily basis. the channel would take you on a Bhakti Marga of spirituality and Peace. So, surrender yourself to god only with Telugu Bhakthi Patalu.
Telugu Bhakthi Patalu Had Lord Ganesha ,Lord Shiva , Sai Baba ,Lord Hanuman,Lakshmi Devi,Venkateswara Swamy , Subramanya Swamy , Lord Sree Rama , Dattatreya Swamy , Lord Vishnu , Lord Sri Krishna , Saraswathi Devi , Parvathi Devi , Durga Devi, Dakshinamurthy , Satyanarayana Swamy, Surya Bhagavan , Navagraha , Lakshmi Narasimha , Shani Dev And Other Sacred Chants, Raghavendra Swami , Ayyappa Swamy.
We hereby bring you the latest devotional Songs to bring divinity to your early morning pooja. Our subscribers and Devotional Viewers Worldwide
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