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Live is so much better with Music Eason Chan Charity Concert 網上慈善音樂會 - Sunrise & Sunset

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「 Live is so much better with Music Eason Chan Charity Concert網上慈善音樂會」為本協會成立後的首個活動,演出是為「香港現場演出及制作行業協會」的「香港演制抗疫基金」進行籌款, 幫助疫情期間受影響的業內人士。 是次慈善音樂會將破天荒分日出和日落兩個時段,在兩個不同的地方進行,萬勿錯過! 「香港現場演出及制作行業協會」主辦[Live is so much better with Music Eason Chan Charity Concert]慈善音樂會得到仁濟醫院全力支持,仁濟醫院並以義務性質支援由協會成立之「香港演制抗疫基金」,並代協會收取及發放基金內之善款,幫助受疫情影響而沒有工作和收入的該協會會員,請透過以下途徑捐贈善款。 捐款日期 2020年7月9日至8月10日 ➢ 捐款辦法 PayPal網上捐款 登入 銀行捐款 可利用轉數快(FPS) / 自動櫃員機或親臨滙豐銀行各分行將善款直接存入仁濟醫院帳戶: 銀行名稱:滙豐銀行 銀行編號:004 帳戶號碼:0017220088 帳戶名稱:Yan Chai Hospital Controlling Account 劃線支票捐款 劃線支票抬頭為「仁濟醫院」,支票背後需備註「香港演制抗疫基金」,以茲識別。支票可郵寄或親身交往荃灣仁濟街7至11號仁濟醫院C座10樓董事局會計部。 備註: 如需索取捐款收據(只限郵寄香港地區),請將PayPal交易編號 / 銀行轉帳憑證 / 銀行入數紙 / 自動櫃員機捐款存根連同<收據姓名>及<回郵地址>寄回仁濟醫院以便跟進: 荃灣仁濟街7至11號仁濟醫院C座10樓董事局會計部。 演制抗疫基金捐款查詢電話:2452 9569 傳真:2412 0245 電郵:[email protected] 地址:荃灣仁濟街7至11號仁濟醫院C座10樓董事局會計部 _______________________________________________________________________________ 其他查詢:3584 7880 「 Live is so much better with Music Eason Chan Charity Concert」is the ever first event of 「Hong Kong Live Performance and Production Industry Association Limited」. The aim of this event is raising fund and helping for those related industries whom have been suffering from COVID-19. This charity concert will be shown in two separate part, Sunrise and Sunset . Both parts are performing in different places. Do not miss out and stay tuned! Donations made for the “Live is so much better with Music Eason Chan Charity Concert" will be contributed to the 「HKLP Anti-Epidemic Fund」administered by Yan Chai Hospital and used to help members of the Concert organizer, Hong Kong Live Performance and Production Industry Association Limited, who have been affected by the pandemic. To make a donation, please submit your payment in any of the following methods: Donation Date From 9 Jul 2020 to 10 Aug 2020 ➢ Donation Methods Online Donation by PayPal Through PayPal at Donation by Bank By using Fast Payment System (FPS) / HSBC account through ATM machine or any HSBC bank branches. Bank Name:The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (HSBC) Bank Code:004 Bank A/C No.:0017220088 Account Name:Yan Chai Hospital Controlling Account Donation by Cheque Please mark your crossed cheque payable to “Yan Chai Hospital" and state the remark 「HKLP Anti-epidemic Fund」on the reverse side of your cheque. If sending by mail or in person, please send to “Accounts Department, Yan Chai Hospital Board Office, 10/F., Block C, Yan Chai Hospital, 7-11 Yan Chai Street, Tsuen Wan, N.T., Hong Kong”. Remarks: For donation receipt (applicable to Hong Kong local mail only), please send the PayPal Payment reference number / Transaction slip / Bank-in slip /ATM transfer advice slip and mail together with name and correspondence address of donor to Account Department, Yan Chai Hospital Board Office, 10/F., Block C, Yan Chai Hospital, 7-11 Yan Chai Street, Tsuen Wan, N.T., Hong Kong. Donation Hotline:2452 9569 Fax:2412 0245 Email:[email protected] Address:Account Department, Yan Chai Hospital Board Office, 10/F., Block C, Yan Chai Hospital, 7-11 Yan Chai Street, Tsuen Wan, N.T., Hong Kong. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enquiry: 3584 7880
