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Ep 44 - Chris Mirabile is the Founder and CEO of NOVOS: the first human longevity company that aims to extend human lifespan by slowing down aging. After surviving a brain tumor at the age of 16, Chris became passionate about health and wellness. For the past decade, Chris has been involved in researching and developing longevity practices to reverse his biological age. On today’s episode, we discuss chronic illnesses, aging, and the main factors that trigger them both. Chris also gives us advice to prevent aging and to live a healthier lifestyle–in moderation, of course!
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00:00 - Intro
02:10 - What is reverse aging and what are the main causes of aging?
07:25 - Good stressors: what are they and how to implement them in your life?
11:11 - The effects of alcohol and sleep in our bodies
30:03 - How to reduce and manage stress
37:59 - How to implement better habits to live a healthier life?
53:12 - How to improve your physical health
01:04:44 - 5 things to immediately implement to improve your life
01:08:00 - Chris Taught Me