LIVERPOOL VLOG | 48 hours exploring ✨ The Cavern Club, The Beatles, Royal Albert Docks
How to spend 24 hours in Liverpool | How to spend 48 hours in Liverpool
We had so much fun in Liverpool so I really hope you all enjoy this vlog as much as we did! Here's some highlights/recommendations:
St George's Hall
Central Library
Cavern Quarter
Cilla Black Statue
John Lennon Statue
Cavern Club
Royal Albert Docks
Liverpool Waterfront
The Beatles Statue
Down The Hatch (plant based restaurant)
Liverpool One
The Vibe (plant based restaurant)
Museum of Liverpool
Dunkin Donuts
We didn't do this this time but Liverpool Cathedral is also highly recommended. I'm really keen to visit The Oracle too (a magician themed cocktail bar) and The Underground Gin Society.
Leave any recommendations you have for Liverpool down in the comments!
Lots of love as always, Kat xoxoxo
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