02:10 Introduction
4:18 Definition of Imam Mahdi
30:21 Are the Messiah and Mahdi Separate Individuals?
52:09 What is the Need for the Imam Mahdi if Islam is Complete?
1:06:49 What was the Prophesied Time for the Imam Mahdi to Come?
1:26:00 How is the Imam Mahdi different to a Mujaddid?
1:31:11 What would be the condition of the Muslims when Imam Mahdi comes?
1:40:31 Are the Hadith about Imam Mahdi Unreliable? How can Hazrat Ahmad (as) base his claim on them if so?
1:51:45 What did Islamic scholars say about reliability of Imam Mahdi Hadith?
1:59:10 1st Caller: Adnan Rashid
Join us as we discuss the root cause of the suffering in today's Muslim Ummah — the failure to recognise the true status of the Imam Mahdi - Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as). We'll be answering allegations against him and his community, as well as taking questions from non-Ahmadi callers!
About Us
Ahmadi Muslims believe that the prophecy of the Imam Mahdi and the Masih's descent related to the coming of a person in the Ummah who would have the rank of Masih for this Ummah, as Isa ibn Maryam was a Masih for the Jews. That person was Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) [1835 - 1908]. Read about him here: https://trueislam.co.uk/beliefs/the-promised-messiah/
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