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Living in Argentina vs USA Compared: 14 Surprising Culture Shocks!

Nomadic FIRE 25,109 6 months ago
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Welcome to Nomadic Fire, where we provide essential insights for expat life across different countries. Join our vibrant community as we unveil exclusive powerhouse guides for you. Have you ever wondered what makes living in Argentina so different from the US? In this video, we're breaking down 14 surprising differences that will showcase the unique aspects of Argentina. If you're curious about contrasting lifestyles or want to avoid breaking any local unwritten rules, you’ll want to stick around and learn about these Argentine cultural quirks. Use Timestamps To Jump Ahead 00:00 - Intro 01:53 - Kissing Culture 03:34 - Language and Pronunciation 05:11 - Grocery Stores 06:35 - Siesta Time 06:56 - Late Dinners 07:33 - Party Lifestyle 08:22 - Driving and Traffic 09:00 - Cash, Credit Card, ATM 10:06 - Dog Poop 11:29 - WhatsApp 11:51 - Bidet Culture 12:56 - Football 13:52 - Mate 16:09 - Punctuality 17:08 - Outro Full disclosure: by utilizing the links provided in the description, you not only support the channel, as we may receive a commission at No Cost to you, but you also unlock exclusive benefits through certain links. Useful links for expats living in Buenos Aires: 💰Get a $20 Amazon gift card for signing up with Western Union using this link: 🗺️🔍Interactive Neighborhood Map: 💹 Get a trade discount for signing up with Binance using this link: 📈 Latest ARS currency conversion rates: 🔥 Ready for more insider tips? Explore the expat life on Nomadic Fire's website: 💵🏦 Best Western Union branches in BA to pick up cash: Socials: Disclaimer: Chau from Argentina! 🇦🇷 #ArgentinaVsUS #USvsArgentina #CulturalDifferences #ArgentinaCulture #Mate #NomadicFire #Argentina #DigitalNomads #WesternUnion #ExpatLife #Expat #BuenosAires #RetireAbroad #BuenosAiresLiving #TravelArgentina #MovingAbroad #ExpatsInArgentina #LivingAbroad
