Exactly how to find an apartment to rent as a foreigner living in Vietnam.
Da Nang is an incredible city on the beach attracting foreigners, digital nomads, and retirees year after year. There are a ton of amazing CHEAP apartments near the Da Nang beach available for rent. If it will be your first time in the city, you may be wondering how you actually go about finding a place to live. In today's video, I will be breaking down the exact steps to research, find, and rent a great place to live in Da Nang Vietnam. The 5 step process to find an apartment will also cover:
-Where to live in Da Nang, Vietnam
-How to research apartments
-How to rent an apartment
-How to avoid rental scams
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Megan here, Hello! I’ve taken well over 300 flights and countless trips in the last decade. I have learned how to have seamless travel experiences without unnecessary stress and anxiety. I’m here to help you also feel confident about your travels while making the most of every trip.
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