癒しのLo-fi BGMチャンネル、Heartful sound(ハートフルサウンド)へようこそ♡
このチャンネルでは心がほっと落ち着くLo-fi BGMをお届けしています。 優しい音色とともに、心地よいひとときをお過ご しください。
きっと大丈夫|アコーステックギター音色のLo-fi BGM
そんな前向きな気持ちに寄り添う、ゆったりとしたアコースティックギターのLo-fi BGMをお届けします。気負わずに、心のままに、今日という日を大切に過ごせますように。
▼「いいな」と思ったら、ぜひチャンネル登録をして、いつでも癒しのBGMを楽しんで下さいね ♡
Welcome to Heartful sound, a healing Lo-fi BGM channel♡
This channel delivers Lo-fi BGM that will soothe your heart. Enjoy a comfortable time with gentle tones.
It'll be fine | Lo-fi BGM with acoustic guitar tones
A girl resting her chin on one hand and staring at you with big eyes. Her gaze, which gives off a sense of inner strength, seems to gently encourage you, saying, "It'll be fine." Her appearance, which exudes an 80's atmosphere, mysteriously spreads a sense of security.
We deliver relaxing acoustic guitar Lo-fi BGM that will accompany such positive feelings. May you spend today without worrying and following your heart.
See you soon (*^^*)
▼If you like it, please subscribe to the channel and enjoy soothing background music anytime ♡ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZjvpQJIsqfKiVlVFLJBm0g