It’s high time we shone a light on Logic Pro’s Doubling FX. This week, I’m starting with Chorus, explaining what Chorus units do, before using their capabilities as the foundation for 3 further effects which rely on a similar approach.
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Ensemble is Logic’s ‘super Chorus’, offering more voices, more LFO capabilities and, therefore, an even richer sound. Then I’ll move on to explain the different characteristics of Phaser and Flanger FX, understanding how LFOs here produce the overtones and watery-ness of these two related, if different sonic treatments. Finally, we’ll look at what happens when we add Doubling FX to spatial treatments on Auxiliary tracks, rather than in-channel as Inserts. Everything you ever wanted to know about Doubling. In one handy place. I spoil you.
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00:00 Intro and Track playback
01:07 What are Doubling techniques?
02:23 Chorus
06:12 Ensemble
10:54 Guitar Phaser
14:31 Guitar Flanger
16:36 Doubling FX added to Aux Reverb
18:47 Track playback with Doubling FX, further possibilities and summary