I had such a hell of a time getting this video up on YouTube -- first my house lost power for 24 hours and then once I got power back and could finish editing through 4 hours of footage, export failed on the file not once but FOUR TIMES and while uploading this video to YouTube my WiFi went out 😵💫 but we're finally here!!
First we hang out in my plant room where I do some pest treatment and show you some growth updates and updates on recent repots, then we do some heavy chopping up in my Hoya cabinet, then we take a brief little adventure to Vandula Farms, after which we sort through all the Hoya cuttings and chop up my Monstera BMF, and finally we go to @northshoretropicals the Tropicals pop up and I help her with the live sale on Instagram! Lots of stuff packed in this video and I hope you enjoy it ❤️❤️❤️
Lauren / @northshoretropicals: https://www.instagram.com/northshoretropicals
Jing / @planthappens : https://www.instagram.com/momandplants
Charmaine / @unplantparenthood: https://www.instagram.com/unplantparenthood
Vandula Farms: https://www.instagram.com/vandulafarms / https://vandulafarms.ca
Mother Life PlantSpectrum light: https://www.mother.life/en/products/plantspectrum
💡 Use my coupon code ALICE (all caps) for $10USD off!
Make sure you visit this link first to validate the code: https://www.mother.life/en/shop/privilege
Barrina T5 4ft yellow (CANADA): https://amzn.to/3OlKgVO
Barrina T5 4ft yellow (USA): https://amzn.to/3EpnYOA
Instagram: @youdontevengrowhere https://bit.ly/3sR2K7Y
Shop my favourite plant products (affiliate links): https://amzn.to/32Sb4cC
Music courtesy of www.epidemicsound.com