Normally, Pamela refuses to think about the future. But today, on our final episode before hiatus, she’s throwing out those rules. Here’s what we’re excited about for the future, especially in the next couple of months until we return in September
Title: Looking Ahead to Summer 2024 and Beyond
Recorded: 24 June 2024, Episode 725 (Season 17)
Hosted by: Fraser Cain and Dr. Pamela L. Gay
0:00 Pre-show chatter (Pamela is very caffeinated)
3:53 Main Episode
35:44 And then they saved - Reminder to register to vote
36:33 Q: Can the Starship or the Super Heavy Booster be legally salvaged from the ocean?
36:53 Q: How hardened is Boca Chico against hurricanes?
38:07 Q: Where do neutrinos in nuclear reactions come from?
39:33 Q: Legally speaking is there anything preventing random Joe from fixing Hubble on their own dime?
41:59 Q: From our perspective, do black holes ever completely form?
45:57 Q: Will there be science out of T Coronae Borealis? Will JWST/HST watch?
47:33 Q: Is moving in an EVA suit like on Earth or like orbital mechanics?
48:57 Fraser and Pamela discuss summer plans
#europaclipper #polarisdawn #starship #starliner #TCrB #TCoronawBorealis
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- BogieNet
- Stephen Veit
- Jeanette Wink
- Siggi Kemmler
- Andrew Poelstra
- Brian Cagle
- David Truog
- Ed
- David
- Gerhard Schwarzer
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