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這趟紐西蘭之旅,除了原本非常期待的冰川健行, 再來就是騎馬體驗和滑車~!剛好遇到晴天的皇后鎮真是太幸運了! 還開箱了奧克蘭機場的VIP貴賓休息室~看看有什麼不一樣~ ▌ 騎馬體驗 解說+自行騎乘的時間,2.5小時的體驗時間非常充裕, 在魔戒雪山的場景中騎馬超級浪漫~ 還以為自己是精靈女王?(誤 而且,原來騎馬奔馳比想像中困難~ 雙腳夾馬、屁股騰空,看著教練輕鬆騎馬奔馳的背影, 教練說她從國小就開始學習騎馬了,才能騎得如此優雅美麗~ 這趟的騎馬體驗我們都很喜歡!非常值得體驗噢! ▌ 滑車體驗 滑車體驗有分很多種方式,像是買單次、3次、5次等等, 大小朋友都非常適合~不用擔心車道上會有太多車, 可以自行控制車速快慢,也會一批一批的放人, 整體體驗也很不錯喔~建議可以買多趟一點! 玩得會比較過癮喔!! 當然除了騎馬和滑車體驗,跳傘和高空彈跳也是去皇后鎮必玩的活動! 大家最想要玩哪一種呢~?歡迎留言告訴我們! 👉這集就先跟著我們騎馬、滑車去吧~希望這一集大家會喜歡! Facebook Instagram Thanks to Ellis Fang for helping me compose this music: This trip to New Zealand, apart from the eagerly anticipated glacier hike, also included horseback riding and luge! ▌ Horseback Riding Experience The guided + self-riding experience for 2.5 hours was ample time. What's worth mentioning is how challenging galloping on horseback truly is. Watching the instructor effortlessly gallop was a skill honed over decades! We all loved this horseback riding experience! Totally worth it! ▌ Luge Experience There were various options for the luge experience, such as single rides, packages of 3 or 5 rides, etc. It's suitable for both kids and adults. You can control the speed and riders are released in groups, making the overall experience great. It's suggested to buy a few more rides for a more thrilling time! 👉 Let's follow along on this episode with us for horseback riding and luge! Hope everyone enjoys this episode! #紐西蘭 #newzealand #queenstown #newzealandtravel #紐西蘭旅遊 #紐西蘭景點 #紐西蘭行程 #紐西蘭自由行 #紐西蘭自駕 #南島 #北島 #紐西蘭自助旅行 #紐西蘭旅行 #newzealandtrip #紐西蘭南島景點 #newzealandtravel #紐西蘭公路旅行 #紐西蘭公路之旅 #漢堡 #fergburger #bestburger #horsebackriding #horseback #luge #皇后鎮騎馬 #皇后鎮滑車
