Rings of power season 2 interview!
Ahead of the release of LOTR Rings Of Power season 2, Simon from IGV sat down with Morfydd Clarke, Charlie Vickers, Charles Edwards, Sam Hazeldine, Rory Kinnear and Daniel Weyman!
Morfydd Clarke and Charlie Vickers stunned us with their impressive levels of knowledge on Tolkein, Peter Jackson and Lord Of The Rings in general... whilst Rory Kinnear didn't 🤣
Lord Of The Rings: Rings Of Power Season 2 is available to watch from 29th August on Amazon Prime UK!
Thanks for watching our Rings of Power Season 2 cast interviews and don't forget to subscribe to IGV Presents!
#ringsofpower #lordoftherings #thelordoftherings #primeuk
00:00-00:29- Intro
00:29-01:27- Where do the hobbits live?
01:27-03:00- How tall is a hobbit?
03:00-04:31- Can you name every member of the Fellowship Of The Ring?
04:31-08:36- What is the total run time of the LOTR trilogy?
08:36-10:17- What is the name of Frodo's sword?
10:17-10:55- What age is The Rings Of Power set in?
10:55-12:10- Finish the quote
12:10-12:42- Outro
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