Let's go over every enemy and their lore in the original NES The Legend of Zelda.
0:00 - Intro
1:08 - Armos
3:21 - Ghini
5:41 - Leever
6:29 - Lynel
7:36 - Moblin
9:08 - Octorok
10:48 - Peahat
11:59 - Tektite
12:54 - Zora
15:00 - Bubble
16:05 - Darknut
18:03 - Zol & Gel
18:58 - Gibdo
19:45 - Goriya
20:35 - Keese & Vire
21:25 - Lanmola
22:02 - Like Like
22:24 - Pols Voice
23:29 - Rope
24:42 - Wizzrobe
25:13 - Wallmaster
25:51 - Trap & Stone Statue
26:42 - Moldorm
27:27 - Patra
28:38 - Aquamentus
30:01 - Dodongo
30:50 - Manhandla
30:02 - Gleeok
32:55 - Digdogger
36:44 - Gohma
38:13 - Ganon
41:28 - Outro
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