i finally figured out what my syncing issues were! i don’t know why, but if i pass the clock from the 2nd DK to the multicassa, things are out of sync, but if i go from DK1 to Multicassa to DK2, everything is fine. additionally, i was getting some gunk in my mix, not necessarily a ground hum, but something electrical sounding, but i bypassed all the lowfi effects on the SP and i think that was actually it, but what drives me nuts is that i’m having that issue where i’m plugging my CL gear into and i’m not using the SP. so much stuff that seems out of my control as an electronic musician. and still procrastinating on setting up the MQ Voltage Memory. going to have to tape and label the DKs.
oh, and here’s a fun groove :)
🎧 for bass & stereo field 🎧
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