Jesus tells us to “love one another” as He has loved us, and that when we do, it will show the world that we are His disciples. But how is love defined in the Bible? And how are we to demonstrate this kind of love to others? The world today defines love in a very different way. It uses “love” as a cover for tolerating and accepting all kinds of sinful behavior, and if you object, you are labeled as unloving. But true love reflects the love of the Lord as revealed in the Bible—sometimes it’s tough, sometimes tender; sometimes confronting, sometimes caring; sometimes challenging, sometimes encouraging. Our job is to know Jesus so that we can show the love of Jesus to a world that needs to know His transforming love.
00:00 - Introduction
00:17 - Ch. 13-17 are known as “the Upper Room Discourse”
08:28 - 3 Questions
08:57 - 1) Why is it a “new commandment”? (v.34)
16:44 - 2) What is love?
19:37 - 4 most commons words for love in the greek language
28:51 - 3) How are we to show love?
29:54 - 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
30:25 - 14 statements about how we can show love
31:15 - 1) Patient
31:33 - 2) Kind
31:51 - 3) Does not envy
32:11 - 4) Does not boast
32:28 - 5) Not proud
32:37 6) Not rude
33:03 - 7) Not Self-Seeking
33:12 8) Not easily angered
33:37 - 9) Does not keep record of wrongs
35:12 - 10) Does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth
35:51 - 11) Always protects
35:59 12) Always trusts
36:06 13) Always hopes
36:22 - 14) Always perseveres
If you made a decision to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior text "I have decided" to 703-844-9969. We'd love to rejoice with you and to send you a Bible! For next steps on how to grow in your relationship with Jesus check out https://cornerstonechapel.net/grow/
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