【粵語CC中字+ENG】難得有情郎 (Lover at Large)|張敏(Sharla Cheung)、陳淑蘭(Sheila Chin)、吳大維(David Wu)、黃一山(Gabriel Wong)、孫興(Hing Suen):暑假來臨,欣欣(陳淑蘭飾)從英國返港度假與父母親團聚,因一次鄰居好友梅豔方(黃一山飾)邀約參加懷舊舞會,而使得父母發生爭執,欣欣從中得知母親阿蓮(張敏飾)曾與一名六十年代演員梁浩(吳大維飾)有一段刻骨銘心的愛情,更得知梁浩為了母親自殺身亡就因這段舊戀情,欣欣想利用碟仙方式找梁浩。後來經歷波折兩人相遇。
Sheila returns to Hong Kong for a summer reunion with her parents. However, she is distressed by the older couple's constant quarrels. These quarrels, Sheila soon finds out, have their
root in her mother's love affair with an actor. Myunt the mother loved Ho the actor dearly. He even killed himself to protect her good name. Sheila arranges a seance meeting between Ho and her mother. Something goes wrong and Ho is stranded in the
human world. Gradually Sheila falls in love with Ho. She wants to keep him to herself. To her great dismay, Ho shows he loves Myunt only. Sheila thus helps him to be with Myunt again. Sheila's father is outraged. He calls on all celestial powers to send Ho back to the other world and keep him there. Myunt is determined to follow Ho there. When the priest hired by the father is about to incarcerate Ho, Sheila throws herself to protect him. She is killed. In order to give Sheila a new life, Ho promises to return to ghost land and gives up any chance of a new incarnation. Thanks to his second sacrifice, Sheila revives.
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張敏 吳大維 愛情奇幻電影|難得有情郎 (Lover at Large)|張敏|吳大維|陳淑蘭|黃一山|孫興|粵語CC中字+ENG|8號電影院 HK Movie|香港電影01|引狼入室
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