Important Links:
SmartLoving Marriage
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Australia Marriage Encounter
Evermore in Love (United Stated) Fehers
Couples praying together
Spiritual life of couple
Resources on website
Marriage prep - SmartLoving Engaged
Sponsor Couples
Theology of the Body (John Paul II)
Loving Smartly
When the marital relationship breaks down, the impact is a domino and rippling effect from the kids all the way to the community. However, people across the world struggle with the same issues.
Whether it’s a prayer in a school diary, a marriage weekend or a premarital program that opens the door, Francine and Byron Pirola are committed visionary leaders who continue to pass foundational beliefs and values regarding marriage and family onto the next generation.
The Pirolas' ministry helps married couples not only see a bigger picture of marriage, but it also helps couples in their marriage relationships. As Francine says, “Marriage is not just for life-long happiness, but a healthy marriage is central to the proclamation of the Gospel." She continues, “God calls us to a great ambition in our marriages. But he gives us the grace to help us achieve it."
As a marriage champion, you understand that marriage is bigger than the two people in it. So we invite you to join us for this "Up Close and Personal," and gain further insight into encouraging couples on what God says loving one's spouse looks like.
Learn more about the Pirolas at Marriage Resources:
About the Pirolas:
Byron and Francine Pirola spearhead Catholic marriage support in Australia, after being called into marriage ministry as newlyweds. Married since 1988 with five children, they created the marriage enrichment seminar SmartLoving Marriage, which has been operating in Australia since 1990, They also are authors of the multimedia marriage preparation course SmartLoving Engaged used for Catholic marriage preparation in dioceses across several English speaking countries in person and online.
Their commitment has led the Pirolas to serve in Catholic lay leadership roles at the parish, diocesan and national levels for more than three decades. Francine creates content for the Parish and Marriage Resource Centre (PMRC) Australia and serves on the Senate of Australian Catholic University. Byron pursues an active full-time career in business – serving as managing partner of Sydney based strategic consulting firm, EY Port Jackson Partners among other interests.
They are former Chairs of the Australian Catholic Marriage and Family Council, an advisory council of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference. Francine is also a former member of the Executive of the Catholic Society for Marriage Education. They are former past Presidents of the Australian Council of Natural Family Planning and have represented the Australian Catholic Bishops at meetings of the Pontifical Council of the Family. They are members of the Executive of PMRC for which Francine has been author and developer of programs and products. Byron also was a founding leader in the Antioch Youth Movement in Australia.
The vision of the Marriage Initiative is to elevate the importance of marriage through leadership teams collectively and collaboratively working together. All of the information provided on our website should be interpreted as an effort to fulfill that vision. Opinions expressed by speakers and presenters at Marriage Initiative events are not necessarily those of the Marriage Initiative. Our events and communications are intended to be educational and informational in nature and are not to be considered professional counseling nor are they intended to replace the services provided by trained professional counselors and therapists. If a link takes you to a site other than (or any page found at that web address), then we are not responsible for the information or content at that linked site. By accessing our website, you agree that any disputes you have with Marriage Initiative, will be submitted to the conflict reconciliation procedures of Peacemaker Ministries. Marriage Initiative is not affiliated with Peacemaker Ministries.