Robt. Williams is one of the most popular artists in America today.
His dynamic work -- which often includes women, cars, food, and 1950's Americana --embodies the movement known as Kustom Kar Kulture.
Robt. masters the so-called "lowbrow" art-forms: rock album cover art, comic art, hot-rod art, etc.
*note: Robt. Williams created the cover art for Guns n' Roses: Appetite for destruction in 1987.
In mid 1960s San Francisco, Robt. became art director for hot-rod hero Ed "Big Daddy" Roth. Robt. quickly became one of the most important West Coast underground artists - creating psychedelic posters and contributing to comics like Zap.
Robt. Williams is one of the most sought-after artists of the 90s and is considered the founding father of Cartoon Surrealism.
*note: Nicolas Cage, Leonardo diCaprio, Johnny Depp, Jesse James & many other celebrities have purchased Robt. Williams' paintings.
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