Low cost stainless steel engraving with professional results - Ortur LaserMaster 2 Pro S2/LU2-10A
Madethebest: https://bit.ly/3bYyMIG
Back to School Half-Price Flash Sale: Limited to 5 units only:
product 1' Ortur Laser Master 3 Laser Engraver
flash sale: $279
product 2' Two Trees TTS-20 Pro 20W Laser Engraver
flash price: $299
product 3'Kingroon KP3S PRO 3.0
flash price: $99
product 4' Atomstack S10 Pro Laser Engraver
flash price: $209
product 5' Atomstack A5 Pro 5W Laser Engraver
flash price: $139
product 6' KOKONI-EC1 App Control 3D Printer
flash price: $129
My Box designs: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1329352229/hinged-box-designs-10-sizes-for-3mm-6mm?click_key=f8a3f0ac7491d5133eade97012937498c72c2844%3A1329352229&click_sum=ac478e3c&ref=shop_home_active_1
My designs/comissioning: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/DelisleDesign
Watch Joshua De lisle AWCB walk you through the creation process with his welded and hand forged works of Art and Luxury items.
In this episode we review the Ortur Laser Master 2 pro S2 with the LU2-10A Laser Module and its uses in a proffesional workshop including a tutorial cutting 9mm hard wood ply and engraving stainless steel.
Affiliate links for Ortur LaserMaster 2 Pro S2/LU2-10A :
Madethebest: https://bit.ly/3bYyMIG
Amazon store: https://amzn.to/3uIEvsW
recomended settings: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GbcpwHWpiG2b3u_oKhSjLBh5QIGl6RrfYpzxcNIF4c0/edit?usp=sharing
The Way Gates that I made: https://www.royalparks.org.uk/parks/richmond-park/things-to-see-and-do/the-way-st-pauls-cathedral-tercentenary-gates
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