In this video, we will show you the low price market in makkah and madina. Here we visited the street market of madina near masjid e nabawi. And also street market of makkah near masjid e everything sold like arabian dates,gold,abaya,hijab,ornaments,attar,perfume etc.Well come to our channel with Bengali dubbing by Talha.This is the video where the shopping in arab and makkah madina has published. We are trying to reveal the unseen and unknown places of the world including Makkah and Madinah.this low price product market is related to Hajj Umrah. Muslims visit Mecca and Medina every year to perform Hajj and Umrah people buy there essential products from the cheap price market of makkah and madina .from hajj and umrah people purchase there product from low price market of makkah and madina.shoping in hajj umrah and shopping in makkah madina is important in arab. We publish videos of places of wow 5 market and 1 real market near in masjid e nabvi. madina.Shopping in Makkah or madina? কেনাকাটা মক্কায় নাকি মদীনায়। মক্কা মদীনার কমদামের বাজার। মক্কা মদীনায় ফুটপাতে কমদামের দোকান এই ভিডিওতে আছে।