Let’s go low low on the leaf springs. Not a leaf spring flip and not a reset. More of a delete and a shuffle ? Once you have the leaves apart you can mess around and work out how and where you want the leaves. Adding or removing as you go to get the desired result. I got mine close so I’m going to add the heavy duty big bore shocks and see how much it settles. Hope this helps someone looking to lower their Ute or minitruck for the first time. You can still add blocks to this if you like depending on your set up every chassis is different.
Just remember to stay safe ! Don’t do this or any other modifications if you don’t feel comfortable safe or responsible for your own action.
Thanks for watching and I hope you subscribed and liked this video and any others you may have watched.
I always answer questions so comment if you have any or just want to provide information or feedback.
And Remember Dreams Ain’t Just For Dreamers