In this video were going to take a look at the ramifications for the new MOSAIC rule as laid out in the current NPRM. Carol and Brian Carpenter discuss their concerns and proposals to remedy the shortcomings of the NPRM as it relates to the light sport maintenance training proposals.
Link to Rainbow Aviation
Link to Rainbow Aviation Post on the NPRM
Link to comment
You can read the MOSAIC proposal and take notes on how it may impact your personal or professional role in aviation. And then read the tips for writing your comments below.
The above link is the full final proposal as published in the Federal Register for anyone that wants to read the full text. You can also comment on the proposal, but you should keep in mind a few things when making a comment.
· Provide a little context of who you are “I’m a pilot”, “I’m a Repairman”, “I’m an airplane owner”, etc.
· Clearly and concisely state what you think the problem is with the proposal “The proposed change to the Repairman Certification is unnecessary (§ 65.107) . Creates. . . ”, or “The training requirements for the Repairman with a Maintenance Rating to services other categories should be additional training . . . (continue with your rationale) and “we must have multiple categories for fixed wing- or allow for complex subjects to be add on modules”
· Clearly state a specific solution. Don’t say “An amateur built pilot should be able to take the repairman course” say “offering the repairman certification for amateur built aircraft will . . . ”
· Provide a justification for the change, preferably one based on safety. “The proposal provides no real reason that upending the Repairman Maintenance rating will enhance safety, an arbitrary increases the time and money it will cost for individuals to receive training and then adding areas that most aren’t interested in”
· You can comment anonymously, especially if your comment provides clear justification beyond your personal interest.
· When commenting, don’t go on a long rant, and don’t just say “leave §65.107 as is.” Say why and give a safety or burden on the industry rationale with with add on modules for more complex training.
· Don’t just copy someone else’s comment. Very similar comments will get lumped together and treated as one. If you copy/paste your comment, the FAA can copy/paste a response.
· The FAA will be much more able to properly evaluate your comment if you include a specific reference to the particular rule change you are talking about. You can even be a super nerd and use the fancy § symbol for "section".
Again thank you for your comments- ask your friends and family to comment.