It is important that my model sawmill is able to dry its products thoroughly before they are shipped to the customers, otherwise the wood will contract, warp and crack. Therefore, a drying and storage shed was needed where the products would be allowed to air dry before being loaded for shipment by rail or truck. As you can see, I have primarily used very cheap materials for this simple build partly with the purpose of making the shelter look simple and a bit scrappy. For more on my plans for a layout set in mid-1950s Denmark, please visit my blog:
Materials used in this video:
• Cardboard 1 mm
• Elmer’s PVA Glue
• Liquitex acrylic paint
• Midwest Products Basswood Strips
• Noch 07142 Leaves light green
• Noch 07146 Leaves dark green
• Noch 07204 Flock Medium Green
• Preiser figures
• Pro Masking Tape
• Vallejo 70.992 Neutral Grey
• Vallejo 73.827 Moss and Lichen
• Vallejo 74.602 Surface Primer Black
• Woodland Scenics T1349 Blended Turf Green Blend
Music by Pedro. Check out his YouTube channel: as well as Pedro’s Twitter:, Instagram:, and Twitch: Thanks to Pedro and all the other talented musicians for making their music available for free on YouTube!
Finally, here is a shout-out to some of the other You-tubers who’s channels I have enjoyed recently: @Bluffers to Buffers, @Chadwick Model Railway, @csxmad, @DaveClass47, @David Hyde, @DeanPark, @djstrains, @EverardJunction, @Fos Scale Models, @Galgorm Hall, @Gamle Jernbaner, @heldvorerdbeeerfeld, @Hovermotion, @Jason Jensen Trains, @Jennifer E. Kirk, @Johns MOBA, @Kathy Millart, @Luke Towan, @MarklinofSweden, @McKinley Railway, @medway railway modeler, @Miniatur Wunderland, @Model Railroad Hobbyist Magazine, @Model Railroading, @Moldy Raspberry, @mpeterll, @NOCH, @Nordic Tram, @OO Neal, @Paul Apps at Sandling Junction, @Renaud Yver, @Sam’s Trains, @Sebb’s 1zu87, @The Scrap Line. Check out their channels, they all do amazing work!