A greedy baby deino caught his first fish, but it’s way too big for him to swallow. A hungry Microraptor wants him so share the fish but Deino wants it all by himself.
Then, the baby Deino came up with a perfect idea.
Microraptor lived in Asia during early Cretaceous period.
It was a very small black-colored raptor that was able to fly, climb trees and have 4 wings. It prey on fish, birds, lizards and small mammals.
Deinosuchus lived in North America during late Cretaceous period.
It is known as the 2nd biggest prehistoric crocodilian and is related to alligators that live today.
It prey on fish and even dinosaurs.
Director/Animator: 롼니_Lonely(Hwang sungwon)
Sound effects, bgm from pixabay
Time took:2weeks
I am still 17 years old and not a professional. It might not be perfect, but I do hope you all enjoy.
Timezone:South Korea