#肺部 #X光檢查 時,正常影像會是黑色。但即使出現白色陰影,亦不一定是 #肺癌 。養和呼吸系統科專科醫生 #林冰醫生 講解肺部出現陰影的原因和處理方式。
A normal lung X-ray should appear black in lungs. Even there is white shadow on X-ray, it is not necessarily lung cancer. Dr. LAM Bing, Specialist in Respiratory Medicine, will talk about the reasons for lung shadows and its management.
00:00肺部有陰影?!Lung Shadow
00:10 X光檢查發現肺部出現陰影,是有肺癌嗎?If a lung X-ray shows some shadows, is it lung cancer?
01:29若發現陰影,應如何處理?What should I do if a shadow is detected?
02:38甚麼是「肺花」?What is “lung haziness”?
03:26因「肺花」發現患有肺癆,但沒有病徵,仍需要治療嗎?Is treatment still necessary if the patient shows no symptoms but is diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis because of lung haziness?
05:10肺部纖維化與纖維性肺炎的分別是甚麼?What is the difference between pulmonary fibrosis and fibrosing pneumonia?
06:13肺部纖維化該怎麼辦?What should I do if I have pulmonary fibrosis?
For more details, please visit below website and contact us:
養和呼吸系統科中心HKSH Respiratory Medicine Centre
電話Tel : 2835 8673
#肺癆 #肺部陰影 #肺部纖維化 #林冰醫生 #養和醫院 #養和醫療 #HKSH #李樹芬醫學基金會