Lure Battle Episode 3!
Welcome to Lure Battle, brought to you by Predator Tackle!
Competitors face off 1 vs 1 on venues of their choosing, to fight their way through 2 rounds, in order to make it into the final 3 anglers who will face off together on a secret venue for the FIRST EVER Lure Battle FINAL!!!
Not only do they get to choose their venue, but they also get to choose what time they begin and whether they wish to fish via boat, bank, kayak or even belly boat!
In this episode we have Dan Brackley representing Rapala VMC. Dan is a very successful tournament boat angler with a lot of international competition experience, certainly a tough opponent with a wealth of knowledge.
His opponent, fishing for Savage Gear and Marine Power is Robbie Northman. Robbie's experience and knowledge of fish behaviours and patterns in undeniable, he uses this knowledge to be one of the most popular fishing guides on the Norfolk Broads!
Are YOU ready for Episode 3!?
Predator Tackle:
Voice Over: Dan Bucknall DB Fishing
Camera 1: Bradley Hunt
Camera 2: Oliver Lawrence
Drone Pilots: Bradley Hunt, Oliver Lawrence
Editor: James West
Graphics: Oliver Lawrence, Bradley Hunt, James West
Lure Battle Logo: Tony Pantling
#lurebattle #shimano #shimanorods #shimanoreels #wildcard #predatorhunter #predatortackle