Designed by Epsilon, this home is a display of understated luxury for a family of 5 people, with spacious interiors providing significant functional value.
To watch the detailed home tour of Duplex in Kolkata and download the full PDF eBook with floor plans, materials used and so much more, please visit:
The key highlight of this home is the huge 22-feet central volume which brings in ample natural light throughout the day.
Principal Architect Bipratip Dhar narrates the design process of this home and walks us through the rooms explaining the variety of wooden finishes, that create the elegant aesthetic of the interiors.
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Cinematography: Avesh Gaur (Zebra Studios)
Photo Credit: Studio Sp Photography, Ravi Kanade
#SpacesToStories is a series presented by Greenlam Industries in association with #Buildofy
#architecture #indianhome #interiors #homedesign #interiordesign #architecturevideo #hometour