Fun & Interesting

M1911,手槍之王!服役時間最長的手槍,美軍士兵的最愛!擊落零式戰機,戰爭史上的奇跡!點45與9毫米之爭,哪個更好用?| 勃朗寧 | 柯爾特 | M1900 | M9 | 火力君 |

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視頻素材來源於網路!M1911,手槍之王,美軍首款半自動手槍,即使過去1個世紀,依舊是士兵的最愛,M1911為什麼會那麼經典? The video material comes from the internet! M1911, the king of pistols and the first semi-automatic handgun of the US military, remains a favorite of soldiers even after a century. Why is M1911 so classic? #火力就是正義#M1911
