以下是對這些軟件的分類,基於它們的功能和用途。後來我才發現漏掉了幾個——AIdente、Surge 和 Paste,這三個也非常不錯!看來拍影片還是有些緊張啊,得多練練,總是忘詞!
1. 工具效率類
• Slidepad:一個側邊懸停工具,用於快速打開和切換應用或網頁。
• Bartender 5:用於整理和管理 macOS 菜單欄圖標。
• RayCast:一款生產力工具,提供快速搜索、應用啟動等功能。
• Paste:剪貼板管理工具,支持多項歷史記錄存儲與快速調用。
2. 系統優化與管理類
• Clean My Mac & 檸檬清理
• AIdente
• Surge
3. 創意設計類
• Eagle
• Dynamic Wallpaper
4. 窗口管理類
• Magnet
5. 瀏覽器與網絡類
• Arc 瀏覽器
6. 生活與辦公輔助類
• Downie
The software featured in the video includes:
Here’s a classification of these apps based on their functions and uses. I realized afterward that I missed a few: AIdente, Surge, and Paste—all of which are great as well. Looks like I got a bit nervous while filming and kept forgetting things. Gotta practice more!
1. Productivity Tools
• Slidepad: A sidebar hovering tool for quickly opening and switching between apps or web pages.
• Bartender 5: Organizes and manages macOS menu bar icons.
• RayCast: A productivity tool offering quick search, app launching, and more.
• Paste: A clipboard manager supporting multiple history entries and quick access.
2. System Optimization & Management
• CleanMyMac & Lemon Cleaner: System cleaning and optimization tools.
• AIdente: A battery management tool to prolong your Mac’s battery life.
• Surge: A powerful network debugging and enhancement tool.
3. Creative & Design
• Eagle: A design resource management tool for organizing and categorizing files.
• Dynamic Wallpaper: A tool for creating and managing dynamic wallpapers.
4. Window Management
• Magnet: A tool for efficiently managing window arrangements.
5. Browsers & Networking
• Arc Browser: A modern web browser with unique features for productivity.
6. Lifestyle & Office Tools
• Downie: A video downloader for grabbing content from the web.
If you’re looking for powerful and versatile apps for your Mac, these are definitely worth exploring!