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మధ్యప్రదేశ్ లో ప్రైవేట్ అడవులు || Madhya Pradesh Goverment Mulls Private Forests ||

Prof K Nageshwar 11,533 22 hours ago
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#profknageshwar #ProfkNageshwaranalysis #mlcnageshwar #madhyapradesh #forest #degrade #private #forestrestoration #forestdepartment #governmentfunds మధ్యప్రదేశ్ లో ప్రైవేట్ అడవులు || Madhya Pradesh Goverment Mulls Private Forests || Private entities to gain access to state-owned degraded forests for afforestation Private entities may soon be granted access to degraded forests in Madhya Pradesh for afforestation projects, with the opportunity to earn carbon credits. A draft policy titled Forest Restoration Using CSR, CER, and Non-Governmental Funds, released by the state’s forest department, reveals that out of Madhya Pradesh’s 9.5 million hectares of forest, 3.7 million hectares are classified as degraded. The policy aims to involve private players in restoring these lands, citing a lack of government funds to undertake such large-scale ecological restoration. The initiative seeks to enhance green cover, which is crucial for providing ecological services and strengthening forest-based livelihoods for local communities.' Policy outlines The afforestation cost is projected to range between Rs 5 lakh and Rs 8 lakh per hectare, depending on factors such as location, land size, soil conditions and climate. Contributions from Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Corporate Environmental Responsibility (CER) funds are encouraged to support the initiative. Industrial groups, corporate entities, individuals and voluntary organisations can participate in forest restoration efforts, selecting degraded forest land ranging from a minimum of 10 hectares to a maximum of 10,000 hectares for a 60-year period.
