Mahamangal Chanting Prayer for wellbeing your health, family prosperity and happiness. chanted by Honourable Ven Saranankar Thera.
Listen with deeply, share to your relatives, loving one & family.
Buddha prayer (Salutation To The Buddha)
TI-SARANA (The Three Refuges)
CETIYA VANDANA (Salutation To The Holy Shrine)
BODHI VANDANĀ (Salutation To The Bodhi Tree)
PUÑÑANUMODĀNA (Sharing Of Merits)
PATTHANĀ (Aspirations)
ধুতাঙ্গ ভান্তে শরণংকর থের কণ্ঠে শুনুন মহামঙ্গল পরিত্রাণ (২য় পর্ব)।।