Mahimangad is one of the chain forts built by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj to guard his eastern frontier. The fortification of this fort is still solid and well-maintained, making it an impressive sight to see. The main town closest to the fort is Phaltan Taluka. The trek to the fort starts at the Turjabhavani temple. During ancient times, Bijapur – Pandharpur – Satara – Wai – Mahad was in important trade route, and a chain of forts was created along this route, mainly between Satara and Pandharpur. This was also a guard for Satara. It is said that a garrison of about 75 was maintained on the fort. The trail to the fort is on the north face of the fort and takes us along the ramparts to the east facing entrance. On the pillars of the entrance, there are magnificent elephants protruding which are unique and not found elsewhere. The entrance is not visible till we reach very near, as we have to go along the edge and the bastion is built in such a way so that the door cannot be struck by the enemy easily. The bastion near the entrance is a huge one and has stairs to climb up. We can see the complete fort from the top of the bastion.
The fort is not very big, and can be seen completely in an hour. There is a Hanuman temple on the mountain cap, with a big pond and few more cisterns, which collect rain water. One of the cisterns has been renovated recently. On the way to these cisterns, there are remnants of porches of buildings, which might be a house or an office. The ramparts are still in good shape all around. Towards the eastern end of the fort, there is a small door through the fort wall which takes us to the trunk of the part, which is narrow. There is a bastion at this end. We can take a round along the edge of the fort while coming back to enjoy the scenic views.
महिमानगड किल्ला (शंभू महादेव डोंगररांगेतील सुंदर किल्ला)
महिमानगड हा भारताच्या महाराष्ट्र राज्यातील सातारा जिल्ह्यातील एक किल्ला आहे. महिमानगड किल्ला सातारा जिल्ह्यातील माण तालुक्यात आहे. माण तालुका हा साताऱ्याच्या पुर्व भागातील तालुका आहे. सातारा पुसेगाव म्हसवड असा गाडीमार्ग आहे. या गाडीमार्गावर साताऱ्यापासून ५० कि.मी. अंतरावर महिमानगड हा किल्ला एका लहानशा टेकडीवर बांधलेला आहे. महिमानगडाच्या फाट्यापासून गडाचा पायथा असलेल्या वाडीपर्यंत गाडीमार्ग आहे. या मार्गाने जाताना महिमानगडाची पश्चिम अंगाची तटबंदी सुरेख दिसते. महिमानगडवाडी किल्ल्याच्या उतारावरच वसलेली आहे.
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Mahimangad fort
Mahimangad fort history
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महिमानगड किल्ला
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