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Mainline Steam In Their Finest Hours 2023 Season Review 100th Anniversary Of The Big 4

Harnetty Railways 9,898 1 year ago
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Hello & Welcome to a Harnetty Railways Special In this video we review the highlights of mainline steam in their finest hours during the 2023 season during the 100th Anniversary year of the formation of The Big 4 Railway Companies in January 1923. The Great Western, The Southern, The London Midland & Scottish & The London & North Eastern Railways. We feature 16 locomotives in action all representing the Big 4 the highest we have ever accomplished since our filmings of mainline steam began back in 2009. Many highlights were seen during the course of 2023 our 1st filmings of Vintage Trains's Annual Shakespeare Express services. 5043 Earl of Mount Edgcumbe's long awaited return to the mainline after his 1st overhaul in preservation. 60007 Sir Nigel Gresley's 1st runs in BR Express Passenger lined Blue livery on the mainline since July 2015. 5043 & 7029 double heading on The Lickey Incline with no diesel assistance. 60103 Flying Scotsman during his 100th Birthday year. Our 1st filming of mainline steam on The Southern Region. 45231 The Sherwood Forester's return to The Settle & Carlisle & much more. This year saw 45231 The Sherwood Forester & 45690 Leander entered their last summer in service before withdrawal for their up coming overhauls. This year also saw the return to the mainline of 45699 Galatea still in the middle of an identity crisis. Here are the locos that have featured in this year's video in the Big 4 order British Railways 70000 Britannia The Great Western Railway 5043 Earl of Mount Edgcumbe 7029 Clun Castle The Southern Railway 34067 Tangmere 35018 British India Line The London Midland & Scottish Railway 44932 45212 45231 The Sherwood Forester 45596 Bahamas 45690 Leander 45699 Galatea 46100 Royal Scot 46115 Scots Guardsman The London & North Eastern Railway 61306 Mayflower 60103 Flying Scotsman 60007 Sir Nigel Gresley We were disappointed though however for the lack of filming of 60103 Flying Scotsman on the mainline during his 100th Birthday year however seeing 60007 Sir Nigel Gresley more than made up for it. What a year it has been for us our busiest yet not much lineside filming as we hoped as we did mostly stations this year getting stations ticked off on locos that we haven't done through before. Hopefully in 2024 that will change. We would like to say a big thank you to all of you in supporting Harnetty Railways during the course of 2023 which we are so grateful to you all in taking the time in watching the videos, giving them likes, subscribing to our channel & sharing the videos which means allot to us. We would also like to thank fellow youtubers for their company for the banter & chat during 2023 of @MarshSteamVideosTM, @blackcountrysteamvideos8021, @crunchynutsteamfilms5043, @WestCountrySteamVideos, @Sim0nTrains, @TheStephengthompson, @nige7577, @oliverbrooke6930, @Linesider1, @johntyh43, @philclarke3203, @JakeBSteam & many more. Have a very very happy new year & we look forward to seeing you all again in 2024. Thanks for reading enjoy the film of mainline steam in their finest hours during 2023. #mainlinesteam #locomotiveservicesgroup #westcoastrailways #vintagetrains
