(Here's a link to another fountain created that might offer alternative ideas: https://youtu.be/-yHCEMSyK-w)
This video is about making your own recirculating bird bath to keep your garden’s feathered friends happy. It is also a way to add an attractive feature in the yard. I guess you could say that it’s about creating a functional and aesthetic spa to comfort overheated birds during the sweltering summer when temperatures easily move the mercury past the 100 degrees mark.
One fountain and two tops will be shown. This recirculating bird-bath fountain is something you can do yourself. I attempt to show every important detail in each step. When watching the video, it is hoped that you see the potential to create your own bird bath, using your style of pot and fountain top. Though I made my own tops, you can purchase your own and make it work for you. I say that because next summer I am going to pick out a blue and white porcelain dragon pot. I will then go in search to find an interesting dragon plate, also known as a charger, to purchase. Then I will turn it into a fountain and use it in the Asian themed area in my yard. I am really excited about it because it allows me to choose what I want to look at, not at what someone else has determined for me.
Below is a list of materials and tools used on this project so you might do it yourself:
Pot dimensions: Inside top diameter--17 inches, its bottom 12; height – 16 inches. Water capacity: Approximately 10 gallons
Waterproofing paint for untreated terra cotta pot: Drylok water-based, tinted Chinook salmon.
Water pump: Pulaco 10 watt adjustable to 160 gallons per hour. The submersible pump came with ¼ inch tubing and adapter. I used ½ inch adapter it came with and my own ½ inch tubing to get more volume and less pressure to create a bath and not a shower or spout that would be attained using a smaller tubing or hose.
Electric Drill
Drill bits: ¾ masonry for ½ inch PVC pipe installation; 13/64 inch for rubber stopper or cork
Utility Knife to cut rubber stopper
Rubber Stopper: #6 for pot’s 1 inch diameter drainage hole
Caulk: G.E. 100% silicone and 100% water proof
Cinder blocks: 6x8x8 inches
Fountain top: Custom made from mold (Either purchase or make your own of cement or exterior-molded plastic, terra cotta, porcelain, bronze, brass, et cetera...)
And enjoy the natural beauty it attracts!
Here is a link to casting multi-colored concrete molds: https://youtu.be/lkJGIEVhkG8
And this is how I perform maintenance on the bird bath:
Clean when water is less than clear. Start: Unplug pump. Remove topper and two cinder blocks. Use a small bucket (2quarts) to scoop water from pot. Pour small bucket of water into larger bucket (2 gallons or larger). Recycle water by using in garden. Rinse out pot. If inside of pot is dirty, use soft brush and dish soap to clean, otherwise rinse out. Clean out pump suction screen if necessary. Reassemble, fill with clean water, and plug back in.
Links/details below to specific items used:
Amazon.com : Betonex Sun&Moon Concrete Plaster Plastic MOLDS Stepping Stone Garden Path #S11 : Garden & Outdoor
Pump: Amazon.com: PULACO 10W 160GPH Submersible Pump with 3.3 ft Tubing for Aquariums, Fish Tank, Pond Fountain, Statuary, Hydroponics, Water Feature, Indoor Fountains : Pet Supplies
The terra cotta pot was purchased at Home Depot (dimensions are in the description).
Early High Yield Strength Quikrete Concrete and colorant can be purchased at Home Depot or Lowes. (The yellow colorant was purchased in powder form on Ebay, the only place I could find it, at that particular time.)
The cement blocks and DryLok (tinted pink salmon) were purchased at a DIY Center. I believe either HD or Lowes will have what you need.
Rubber stopper/Cork : 12 Pack - CleverDelights Solid Rubber Stoppers - Mix Pack | Sizes 000 to 10 | 1 Each Per Size: Amazon.com: Industrial & Scientific