On may 12, the Make a Wish foundation held their annual Mother's Day truck convoy in Lancaster, PA! Over 600 trucks were registered to be a part of the day! Even with weather being absolutely terrible, dozens of truckers decided to show off their rigs for tons of children and truck fans alike! For the 1st half of this video, footage from inside the cabin of H&S Peterbilt 379 #42 (video courtesy of YouTuber Karl Trucks) shows all of the trucks stating their journey from Burle Business Park. Once everyone is rollin, we switch over to my location where the truckers fly by giving out amazing shows of lights and sounds! There would've been more footage from me, but sadly I ended up arriving late to the parade route, so I only caught the last 200 trucks. *I am aware of the black screen once my segment of the video starts, nothing of interest. ;)
Thanks For Watching!