It's time to put our machine to the test and make some rope! But will it work? TKOR shows you EVERYTHING you need to know how to make a DIY rope. Avoid the mistakes, the set-backs and the time wasting steps you’d otherwise encounter. Putting together one of these DIY rope machines can be time consuming and super messy! But it doesn’t have to be. Creating a rope making machine is quite simple!
Grant Thompson explores the rope making basics: the tools, where to cut, counter-weights, how to cut...all of it! TKOR tested the different DIY rope styles and which design delivers the best results! Not all survival gear is created equally! King Of Random has the tips, tricks and rope making secrets to creating the best rope! This was one of the most practical DIY wilderness survival projects TKOR has attempted!
Making a homemade rope is well worth it! And who knows? It could save your life. This rope making project is as super easy as it looks, but ONLY if you avoid the mistakes and follow the instructions we highlight in the video. This is perfect for those wanting to know how to make rope, how to make a rope for survival, how to make string, how to make rope, homemade rope machine, DIY paracord rope, TKOR rope, Scout project, how to make a rope, creating a rope making machine, or a crafting homemade string for survival.
If you want to try something new and creative or just a simple weekend project such as: wilderness skill tips, hiking gear, camping gear, DIY rope, wilderness survival hacks, camping life the video to learn more.
Endcard Links:
Hydrogen Experiment:
Gummy Zombie Brains:
Rope Making Machine:
Ninja Turtle Nunchucks:
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Music by: Can't Stop Won't Stop - "Mighty & High" - Instrumental
This video is only for entertainment purposes. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.
#tkor #thekingofrandom