Try this simple technique to get your Amaryllis to flower whenever you want it to, as well as tips for caring for other Christmas bulbs like Hyacinths, and how to keep your Poinsettia plant alive and looking fantastic. Christmas plants are not just for Christmas, you can enjoy these all year round, and it's much easier than you think.
This is a really easy way to save money by keeping your plants thriving year after year. Amaryllis has a super power - it can be made to flower whenever you want it to! Learn the incredibly simple trick to get flowers at any time of year from this easy to grow bulb.
Plus, did you know that nearly all of the bulbs you get at Christmas, including tulips, crocus, jonquil, narcissus, and hyacinths, can all be planted in your garden after they finish flowering? If you do this, they will live for years and give you lots of beautiful flowers.
#gardeningforbeginners #houseplantcare #houseplants #amaryllis #christmasflowers #poinsettia