Terrariums are great fun and I honestly think the world would be a better place if everyone would make one! I could list a number of reasons why I think this, but that's not the point of the video.
I get a ton of comments and excuses from people as to why they can't make a terrarium. Some say that they don't want to kill any plants and others say that they don't have any money. My response generally is something like, “They don't cost much to make and are easy to maintain. You should create one.” That said, I don't believe in making excuses for anything and in this video, I wanted to take down the myth that terrariums are expensive to construct. In fact, you could make one for $0 if you are still on the fence.
It should go without saying that there are a number of ways to make an effective terrarium. The methods that I show in this video are simply adaptations of what I find to be extremely effective. So if you have not yet jumped into the world of terrariums, now is your time! Seriously, go outside and get it done already... you'll thank me later.
On a side note, if you're not good with plants or live in a temperate area, I recommend starting out with moss, liverwort and selaginella (spike moss), if you can find it. Mosses are in most cases bullet proof and work extremely well in terrariums. Also a lot of temperate plants just won't work in a terrarium. You may think you're doing something wrong, when in actuality it's the plants. Also, I'm not saying that you're guaranteed to have success the first time. If for whatever your first terrarium fails, don't be discouraged! It happens to a lot of people. The whole process is a beautiful learning experience, if you choose to embrace it.
For additional content like this, projects sneak peeks and more, follow me on Instagram @SerpaDesign.