This is a follow-on of the Alabama how-to video I made back in May of 2022. Most of the process is still the same. The main difference is showing how to add blades, or bling, to the rig. I use the same wire, rivets, swivels, putty, etc. Does the addition of the blades make a big difference in getting bit? In my experience (10s of 1,000s of casts) I believe yes, yes the blades make a difference. Depending on the waster clarity and time of year, the difference can be HUGE!
You can see (and maybe buy 👍) all the materials I use to make my MOST DURABLE ALABAMA RIG yet on my Storefront. Visit the link below. Super easy and all in 1 spot for you! Scroll straight down to the Alabama Rig Making section.
For all your other DIY fishing projects, replacement hooks, lure molds, lure blanks, and so much more, check out Barlow's Tackle:
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