hi everyone! in today's video I share how I do the butterfly method on my hoya linearis. in this attempt, it was a 70% success propagation rate... but you know what they say about C's, right? they get degrees 😂
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⚒️ s u p p l i e s
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📱 s o c i a l s
📚 c h a p t e r s
0:00 intro
1:41 butterfly method how to
9:53 2 month update of propagations
11:02 unpotting mother plant
12:48 start of repot
14:40 adding in new props
18:01 finished plant
18:54 outro
🔔 m u s i c
epidemic sound https://www.epidemicsound.com
❓f a q
• camera: sony ZV-1
• editing software: davinci resolve
• age: 30
• residence: california, USA
#hoyalinearis #hoyaplant #hoyacare