A quick & easy project for a rainy day that recycles an old, well used set of boots and turns them into a set of excellent , barefoot style footwear for your bushcraft adventures….
Amazon supplies used in this video:
Rubber Sheets in BLACK for DIY Shoe Repairs by SVIG available in 4mm, 6mm and 8mm thick (8mm thick): Amazon.co.uk: Shoes & Bags
50ml Professional Flexible Super Strong Glue for Rubber, Shoes, Leather, Felt, Nylon, Leatherette Fabrics Plus Many More: Amazon.co.uk: DIY & Tools
Greencraft merch:
Music - "Mockingbird" by David Mumford sourced from the Free Music Archive
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If you are interested in the gear I use have a look at these links:
Endicotts Army Surplus Store
Olight Torches
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