G'day everyone,
This week I need to remake an old project that I made for the old mini lathe. And that is to turn a piece of 130 x 60 1045 medium tensile steel into a collet chuck for the lathe. I have some handles for some die holders that I need to turn, and my best bet is to use a collet chuck.
My favorite type of collet is the ER32 which I have found to be the most versatile collet that I own, and I own a full set which can hold sizes between 3-20mm.
The current collet chuck that I use is intended for holding endmills, and is not hugely rigid, as it is held in place by a morse taper and which is constantly trying to break loose.
So I decided to make my own that would bolt directly to the spindle nose. The biggest problem that I run into here is getting the chuck register made precisely, to a tolerance of less than 5 microns. And even though the lathe that I am using has a proper gearbox, it only has a 1hp motor, and the piece of steel that I am turning is quite substantial, and it put up quite a fight to get it turned.
I hope you enjoy the video, cheers.
Mill - Sieg x2.7l
Lathe - Hafco Al 250g
Collet chuck Build
Er 32 collet chuck Build
Making A ER32 Collet Chuck
#machining #diy
0:00 - Introduction
4:31 - Facing The Part
6:07 - Cutting The Spindle Register
11:04 - Drill and Tapping The Bolt Holes
14:08 - Machining The Front Features
18:34 - Cutting The Threads
20:15 - Cutting The 8 Degree Taper
21:38 - Testing