Happy Orktober, everyone! Come celebrate with me as I make my Orks a desert-themed battle mat for playing Gorkamorka, Warhammer 40K, or Warhammer: The Old World. And I'm sure Age of Sigmar has a...sand realm. Or something.
Based on the desert mat by Eric's Hobby Workshop:
Also, experience the schadenfreude of watching me try to do basic woodworking as I make a collapsible 6”x4” tabletop to put my mat on. Still have both my thumbs, so I count it as a win.
00:00 Intro
01:09 Cutting the Mat
02:39 Texturing the Mat
08:38 Building the Table
13:14 [REDACTED]
13:38 Finishing the Table
16:14 Storage
17:48 Job's a Good 'Un