I've never made a hook-shaped knife or even used one for that matter. I have a bunch of planer blades that are no longer suitable to planing wood and figured I'd see if I could make a knife for hollowing out the bowl of a spoon. This project was actually easier than I thought it would be. Enjoy.
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About Simple Little Life:
This channel has sort of turned (inadvertently) into a knife making channel. But the original idea behind what we wanted it to be is this description below:
Videos on our journey to homesteading. With a recent purchase of a little piece of the Alberta prairie, we're looking to sell our nice suburban home in search of a more meaningful life beyond chasing the "American dream" working for some big company and making someone else rich. It's not about the money, it's about getting the most value from the work I do to improving the life of my family.
Some preparedness, DIY, building quality things with your hands, guns, gear, and outdoor exploration.
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Box 6, Site 16 RR2
Strathmore, Alberta
T1P 1K5