Clemson Extension Agent and Host of "Making It Grow" visited the famous Mrs. Whaley's Garden in Charleston, SC. She was lucky enough to get a tour with one of Mrs. Whaley's daughters, Marty Whaley Adams Cornwell.
Mrs. Emily Whaley (1911-1998) and her husband, Ben Scott Whaley (1909-1987), bought the circa 1754 Charleston Single House in 1938 and raised three daughters there. In 1942, Mrs. Whaley commissioned Landscape Architect Loutrel W. Briggs (1893-1977) to design a plan for their 30 x 110 foot plot behind their Pre-Revolutionary home on Church Street. Mrs. Whaley’s legacy is felt in the open garden rooms and her ever-lasting memoir, "Mrs. Whaley and Her Charleston Garden".