#mecraftyscrapper @MelinaPylant Welcome back to another episode of my scrap busters challenge! This week we are making labels and ticket shapes out of tiny scraps!
Also, I've reached 8,000 subscribers! Yay! Here's a free digital sheet just for my supporters! Thanks so much! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/melinapylant/e/42476
Thanks for watching! 💕 Be sure to subscribe and give me a thumbs up. I appreciate you!
TIPS/DONATIONS ARE GREATLY APPRECIATED! 😘 Looking for a way to support my channel? https://www.buymeacoffee.com/melinapylant
HERE'S A FREE DIGITAL AS A THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/melinapylant/e/42476
My email: [email protected]
My Instagram: https://www.Instagram.com/mecraftyscrapper
Happy mail address:
c/o Melina Pylant
5211 County Road 1435
Vinemont, AL 35179
Scrapbooking with ME
* Shop our website: https://www.scrapbookingwithme.com
* Scrapbookingwithme on FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/scrapbookingwithmeboutique/
Printer ink
*Join HP Instant Ink! Use my link to receive a free month: http://try.hpinstantink.com/6gfw1r
The Pylant Family Ministries
* Find our music group at: https://www.thepylantfamily.com
* On FB: https://www.facebook.com/thepylantfamily/
Shop with me!
* 💄 Let me be your Avon lady!
If you need something, visit my website: https://youravon.com/mpylant
#labels #tickets #handmade #stamping #collage #scrapbusters #gluebook #minialbum #scrapbookingwithme #tutorial #travelersnotebook #travelersnotebooks #folio #flipbooks #ephemera #diecuts #seambinding #eyelets #envelopes #cascadingalbum #flipalbum #junkenvelopes #junkmail #recyclereuse #diy #papercraft #papercrafting #planner #travelersnotebook #journal #plannersetup #plannerflipthrough #junkjournal #artjournal #artjournaling #projectlife #pocketpages #dailyjournal #lifeplanner #documentinglife #handlettering #bulletjournal #cocoadaisy #plannerkit #weeklyspread #processvideo #planwithme #memorykeeping #memorykeeper #scrapbook #scrapbooking #washi #washitape #diecuts #plannerclip #tagbook #warbinder #memoryplanner #lifeplanner #b6 #b6planner #rubons #unboxing #faithjournal #faithplanner #flipthrough