라탄 빨래 바구니 만들기 [라탄공예]취미 수업 온라인클래스115:Rattan Craft : Make rattan laundry basket,wicker craft,cane
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/studio_russi/
hello! It's a studio rush.
In the 115th class of application of rattan craft, weaved and weaved with a round bottom of rice rice technique so that the contents in the basket could be seen, and a handle was attached using a 7mm round lead on both sides of the basket to make it easier to move.
It is dyed and finished with the popular color Weavers Shellac 04 Cinnamon Brown.
finished size
Diameter 23.5cm Height 23.5cm
*Materials used in the video*
2mm round core - 17 blades 110cm + 34 blades 2mm 52cm
7mm round heart - used for glazing finish + handle 20cm x2
Weverse Shellac - 04 Cinnamon Brown
00:00 Intro
01:14 Tool introduction
01:36 Introducing materials
02:07 Rice rice floor weaving
07:21 Weave 15.5cm
09:21 Add blade 52cm 34ea
10:19 Weave 22 cm
13:08 3 twists and turns 2
17:05 Blade blade rounding and plaiting height 5cm
19:14 Weaving a total of 6 times
27:30 Weave height 4cm
29:10 3 twists and turns 1 time
30:08 Wrapping up
33:28 Attaching a 7mm piping handle
39:10 Weverse Shellac No. 04 Cinnamon Brown color dyed and finished
**Materials used in the video can be found on the "Studio Rush" site.**
Change various interior accessories by weaving rattan, an eco-friendly wooden material, with various techniques. :D
Thank you for your interest. :D
*The description of the video was made with subtitles. If subtitles do not appear, click the subtitle icon at the bottom right or press the letter C to activate it.
#rattancraft #rattan craft #hobby #studiorussi #rattan #weaving #hobby #cafe #home #interior #rattan #studiorussi
NaverTV: https://m.tv.naver.com/russi