Clips in no particular order.
You say it's chronological? ...I don't believe you!
Pretty much every Mako appearance in Kill la Kill. I wanted to make a "funny" compilation. That kind that gets millions of clicks and ad revenue. Pretty unrealistic if i think about it. You have the copyright problem, nudity... BUT I DON'T CARE. That's why it's a no "funny" compilation.
I ended up putting almost every Mako scene in it. I mean how can you not? Every time she is on screen the animation either gets really cartoony or there's some joke to the dialogue. I could have cut all the "useless"exposition out of the clips but keep in mind that this is necessary for a joke to work. Duh. I really was lazy on the transition but Sony Vegas is a pain in the ass when it comes to moving your clips so I just copy pasted the same image over and over again. I mean it's better than nothing, right? I only used a Chroma-Key on that transition image...masking in Sony Vegas also is a pain in the ass. I also don't know what's with the quality drop when they are in the arena. Somebody fetch me one of those HD 4k+ Anime mirror download sites, please.