Malaco 50th Celebration!
Come celebrate with us 50 years of Malaco Records!
1. Who's On The Lord's Side
- Byron Cage & Dorinda Clark-Cole
2. This Morning When I Rose
- The MississippiMass Choir Feat. Dottie Peoples,
Mosie "Mama" Burks
3. Near The Cross
- The Mississippi Mass Choir
Feat. Bishop Paul S. Morton
4. I Need You To Hold My Hand
- Roy Ladson
5. Lead Me
- Luther Barnes
6. Power
- Pastor Tim Rogers
7. I'm Just A Nobody
- Fred Hammond
8. Jesus Is The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me
- LaShun Pace
9. Your Tears
- Bishop Paul S. Morton
10. Joy
- Earnest Pugh
11. If You Can't Help Me
- Lisa Knowles-Smith & The Brown Singers
12. Just A Rehearsal
- Paul Porter
13. Rough Side Of The Mountain
- Luther Barnes & Dottie Peoples
14. I Can Go To God In Prayer
- Ann Nesby
15. Peace Be Still
- Kelontae Gavin
16. God Is Still In Charge
- Jackie Heard
17. Oh How Wonderful
- Bishop Neal Roberson
18. Saints Hold On/
Won't It Be Wonderful
- Keith "Wonderboy" Johnson
19. Speak To My Heart
- Darius Paulk
20. Nobody But Jesus
- Tasha Page Lockhart
21. Jesus Can Work It Out
- Christina Bell
22. Thank You Lord - Tina Campbell
#MalacoRecords #Malaco50thCelebration #ByronCage #ChristinaBell #DariusPaulk #DottiePeoples #TheMississippiMassChoir #DorindaClark #EarnestPugh #FredHammond #KelontaeGavin #LaShunPace #LutherBarnes #BishopPaulSMorton #PaulPorter #RoyLadson #PastorTimRogers #JackieHeard #BishopNealRoberson #KeithWonderboyJohnson #TashaPageLockhart #LisaKnowlesSmith #TheBrownSingers #TinaCampbell #AnnNesby